“Strange as it may seem, I still hope for the best, even though the best, like an interesting piece of mail, so rarely arrives, and even when it does it can be lost so easily.” – Lemony Snicket
Kind Words 2 (lofi city pop) is a newly released sequel to Popcannibal’s previous game Kind Words (lo-fi chill beats to write to). It is possibly the most wholesome take on the MMO genre ever to exist and its primary focus is for players to exchange kind-hearted letters with other people from around the world.
Developer: Popcannibal
Released: 7th October 2024
Price: £16.75
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Available on: Steam
Engine: Unity

Kind Words 2 expands significantly on its predecessor and adds a number of new elements and mechanics to the experience. The game includes everything that is available in Kind Words and both games run on the same server meaning that anyone who owns one of the games can interact with each other. A Steam cloud save of the original game will mean that letters and stickers from that version will be accessible in this new version. As with the first game, the player is first greeted by Ella, the mail deer, who introduces the game and provides some all-important rules and safeguarding information.

The main, and familiar, aspect of the game is based in the player’s room, from which they can send letters and respond to those from other players. These can be asking for advice, or simply to try to cheer people up. When receiving a response, the player can send a sticker in thanks, but cannot write back for safety reasons. Paper aeroplanes can also be sent from this room and are meant for short positive notes that can be read by random players. The room can be customised and players can choose from a range of pre-set aesthetics, and add decorations that are earned/received in the form of stickers when interacting with others.
Unlike in the previous game, players of Kind Words 2 can go outside. The immediate vicinity contains a fashion shop where players can edit their avatar’s appearance and a book shop where players can offer recommendations for various media, and request their own. There is a bus to visit other locations on a small map, venues include a café where poetry can be shared, a mountain where life tips are on offer and players can make a wish or send a message to the magic echo and read the message left but he last player to visit, each message left here will only be read by one person.

Other activities are also available, for example at the plaza, there is a cat notice board where players can describe and/or name cats, and a pop-up shop with a different topic to talk about each day. At the last stop players can export favourite messages and view ‘moments’ as well as send messages to the ‘wiggling void’, these will not be recorded or seen by any other player so is a great place to vent. Additionally, players can choose to chat to anyone they encounter while out and about, interactions are limited to a few messages each way and if the other player is offline, their response will be delivered at a later time.
The overall tone of the game is incredibly wholesome. Players are advised not to share personal information or links and there is in-game information directing people to crisis resources. There is also a link to an FAQ page that is very helpful.

Narrative and Styling
The only narrative elements in Kind Words 2 are the ones the player forms for themself through their communications with other players and via the character/avatar they create. There is no inherent story within the game but the anecdotes, experiences, and struggles of other players are relayed through their interactions and create an engaging and gripping world that the player can immerse themself in.
Kind Words 2 has a cute, isometric, 3D art style that uses soft and muted colours to help create relaxing visuals that are not too busy or overwhelming. The soundtrack has a similarly relaxing feel and features jazzy pop lofi tracks that sit nicely in the background. The music is effective in helping to set the tone of the game, playing an important part in the experience as a whole, but it never feels too prominent or domineering.

Kind Words 2 is a wonderful experience that goes beyond the realms of what a typical game can offer. It provides a safe and wholesome world in which players can seek reassurance and tips for dealing with various types of problems, share positivity and immerse themselves in a cute, casual community setting. The interactions are, for the most part, incredibly uplifting and often quite emotive. There is a certain comfort to be obtained by knowing other people experience similar problems and a sense of well-being and kindness in offering a response to those in need.
This second iteration of the game has expanded the experience in thoughtful and engaging ways that stay true to the original and do not detract from its intentions or cheapen the experience. Every new element is relevant and appropriate and only serves to make Kind Words 2 more rounded and enjoyable. The more gamified parts, such as sticker collecting and customisations, do not overshadow the main purpose of the game and simply add a light-hearted and fun aspect to what is already a charming and beautiful experience. I would highly recommend this game to everyone, I can’t imagine anyone who would not benefit from some time positively interacting with wonderful people around the world in such a safe and nurturing digital environment!
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