Run 16-bit games on 64-bit Windows with winevdm! July 26, 2019April 11, 2020David Ingrusee 2 David covers winvedm, an open-source emulator meant to run 16-bit Windows programs on 64-bit Windows systems natively and elegantly. [...]
Device Price Wars – Why are mobile games cheaper? July 5, 2019July 5, 2019Rachael Brearton Comment Rachael compares game prices across different devices and platforms and tries to decipher why mobile games are often so much cheaper! [...]
Delisted Games – The Site to Keep Track of Them June 28, 2019June 27, 2019David Ingrusee Comment Delisted Games is a site that keeps track of games that were removed from sale, or have their multiplayer services taken offline. [...]
Editorial on the Technical Implementations of Achievements June 23, 2019June 30, 2019David Ingrusee Comment Read David’s opinions on how achievements should be accessed and what should be done with them to make them replayable in future playthroughs [...]
E3: Maybe Sony was right? June 13, 2019June 13, 2019Kati Baker Comment Did Sony have it right? Was E3 mediocre this year? Did you miss the showcases? Come read about them here! [...]
Playdate: When Retro Goes Too Far May 28, 2019May 28, 2019Kati Baker Comment Learn more about Kati’s opinions on Playdate, a new hand-held console by Panic! [...]
Spend £9K on 1 Game – The Most Expensive DLC on Steam? April 23, 2019May 12, 2019Rachael Brearton 4 “Are these things really better than the thing I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have [...]